Welcome to Jersey Joe's Homepage
[The Northeast]
Jersey's Journal Presents its Resident Performer:

Jersey's Fantasy RPG Game World
I have been running a campaign set in the World of Greyhawk since the setting first appeared in the early 1980's. We have ventured from CY 576 to Spring, CY 585 in Greyhawk time
using First and Second Edition rules. After a giant leap, we are now in 597, using the Savage Tides adventure path and
3.5 rules. To learn more about my campaign visit:
- The Valiant, a page dedicated to the bold adventurers and adventuring groups in my campaign.
- Walk the streets of the Vibrant Village of Chatwin, a village of my own creation, containing PCs and NPCs.
- View the area from The Wild Coast through the Welkwood. Learn about past adventures; follow those of the present.
- Visit the Free City of Greyhawk(TM) along with the Chatwin Heroes.
- Shamus O'Reilly, Private Eye, is available for adventure. If you are running a GURPS game, give him a buzz
- An excellent site for finding internet RPG's, or for running one, is Rondak's Portal
For all your gaming news!

If you are heading towards the Great Northeast, or would just like to know what's going on here, try some of these sites.
Jersey Joe's Special Sites
The following are Jersey Joe's Personal Sites
The following sites have been awarded Jersey's Journal Award of Merit
- Bear Pepper Spray
- The best laugh I've had in a long time can be found at Evil Overlord, Inc.
- My favorite college football team is the
- The Rolling Stones were the Best Rock Band ever
- Have a query? A problem? Always wondered about something but did not know
who, to ask? Why not
- The best Montreal local radio show is
Folk Directions, formerly Folk Roots/Folk Branches
[1994-Aug 2007, created and hosted by Mike Regenstreif] who is the font of folk knowledge.
The show is currently hosted by Gerry Goodfriend, on CKUT,
90.3 FM, each Thursday morning from 9-11:00.
- Since most radio stations in Montreal suck, try either 99.9 FM The Buzz out of
Plattsburgh, N. Y., or Star 92.9 out of Burlington, Vt.
- For the best cup of coffee ever, head down to Mocha Joe's in Brattleboro, Vt.
Hell, they even let me run the joint once!
While there, listen to classic rock on Rock 102.1 FM out of Springfield, Mass.
My favorite place to golf is only a six hour drive away. Caledon Country Club in Inglewood, Ontario offers superb conditions and wonderful views. That's Jersey Joe teeing off from Number Fourteen, a 567 yard par 5, severe dogleg left. That tee shot falls off some 200 feet! Get a lesson from Head Pro Kevin Purcell.

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[Back to the TOP][Site created in May, 1996; last updated
March, 2012. These pages maintained and © by Jersey Joe]