Chaplain's Corner
Prayer in Memory of Deceased Members of the RCMP/GRC
Almighty God who judges all in
righteousness and holy love, and who saves and
sanctifies us by your marvellous grace, we give thanks
for those who, having served the Force (RCMP/GRC) with
integrity and effectiveness, have passed on to their
eternal reward.
Fulfill in them the ultimate purpose of your love, that the good work which you began in them might be perfected at the day of Christ’s return. Let the memory of their faithfulness and devotion be an example to us, so that we, being faithful unto death, may at the last receive the crown of life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Bless also, O Lord, all those Veterans and Members who
have, with deep respect for those who have passed on ahead,
joined together in this RCMP National Grave Location and
Maintenance Program for the purpose of promoting respect
and honour among the ranks; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
This prayer is offered by way of dedication to deceased members of the RCMP/GRC whose grave sites are in the process of identification or discovery and where necessary are tended by the Veterans’ Association and Members.
Composed by the Rev. Dr. Allen D. Churchill,
Force Honorary Protestant Chaplain.