The Community - Police Liaison Committee are representatives from the community, business and police.  We are dedicated to increasing safety and security for the public by identifying community and policing concerns.  Our members live or work within the geographical area of 32 Police Division. 

We have a voice in local policing initiatives and are part of the decision making process.  The committee meets once a month, usually at 32 Division's Police Station.

If you know of a safety or security problem in your neighbourhood, contact the Committee.   Members of the Committee are available to discuss your concerns.

We encourage you to become involved.  Your input is important and welcomed.

Community-Police Liaison Committee Executive (for 2011)


Rick Ross - Civilian Co-Chair

Superintendant Selwyn Fernandes - Police Co-Chair

Yvonne Lee - Secretary

Bill MacFarlane - Treasurer

Tony Fernandes - Executive Member

Keith LeClair - Executive Member