Our Prime Objective:

To improve and maintain the quality of life in North York by identifying community policing problems and concerns.  Our goal is to assist the police in improving policing services and responding to citizen's concerns about crime and public safety.

Who are we?:

The Community - Police Liaison Committee are representatives from the community, business and police.  We are dedicated to increasing safety and security for the public by identifying community and policing concerns.  Our members live or work within the geographical area of 32 Police Division. 

We have a voice in local policing initiatives and are part of the decision making process.  The committee meets once a month, usually at 32 Division's Police Station.

What do we do?:

Advocate: Identify and increase public awareness of safety issues.
Educate: Develop and organize community information meetings and workshops related to crime prevention and public safety.
Communicate: Share information and establish linkages with other organizations concerned with community and public safety.

Increase dialogue between the community and police to address issues relating to crime, disorder and violence.

Be available to members of the community.

Arrange community information meetings.

Provide inclusive consultation with the community and police in problem solving.


Implement: Provide support for various programs and activities to achieve and maintain a safe community.

How can you help?

If you know of a safety or security problem in your neighbourhood, contact the Committee.   Members of the Committee are available to discuss your concerns.

We encourage you to become involved.  Your input is important and welcomed.

A number of sub-committees have been formed to deal with policing and safety issues.   If you or your community have a concern, we would like to hear from you.