

I have significantly improved the treatment of "Hektor and Andromake." I hope you enjoy it.

For the last two years I've made hundreds of silent corrections and improvements to the essays on this site. I've also tried to read more relevant material, finish uncompleted essays, and group everything more logically and simply.

I've had the usual stupid computer problems and interference from the rest of mundane life (Bee and I are about to have an addition built on our house). So improvements on the site, let alone new material, have taken longer than I thought they would.

I've started new essays, but haven't published any for a year. I seem to want my new essays to be farther along before I publish them.

I worked on my play The Tragedy of Hektor and Andromake for a time.

Canadian-born newspaper owner Lord Conrad Black has encountered dramatic reversals of fortune. I've updated my essay on him, but events keep outstripping my updates!

I've added two of my minor old poems to this site, namely Philosopher" and "Riddance". I've always enjoyed "Philosopher." I hope you do, too.

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As I usually say on this site: If you are dissatisfied with any of the pages here, please return in six months. They will have improved.

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Last modified:  10:20 AM 29/08/2004