The second annual music festival held in Toronto Ontario, Canada. Focusing on independent artists the festival invites open submissions, and selected 360 bands. More than half are from the Toronto area. (139 from Toronto, and another 48 from southern Ontario or 52%) One of the neat things about a festival like this is that nobody has the same view. It is impossible to see more than a small fraction of the available bands, so no two reviews are ever the same.
If you don't like my opinion, then publish your own web page and say so. I'll even link to you if you tell me about it !
A four piece, with a petite blonde singer/guitarist (Christine Chaser). The bass player was a big guy, with a bag on his head. He played quite competently with the drummer, this only being the pair's second show. The songs are poppy with a strong fuzz guitar, though occasionally cliché ridden. A most enjoyable start to the festivities. A word for the guitarist, "When the guitar stops working, just keep playing, It looks much better, than standing around looking at everyone." Apparently their gear had all got soaked on the drive down, but it lasted for most of the set anyway.
The place was quite packed to start, so we hung out at the back of the long narrow room. They had a Manchester funk that sounds like BTO. The set started out well, and was both competent and enjoyable. We moved up as the room cleared a bit, and got a few good songs in. Then the set slowed down with some cliché ballads (good for highschool dances) and unable to shake their roots, heavy metal invaded their bodies. A good start, but unsustained.
There was a strange feeling to the place as we entered the room. Several people were either painted or in some form of costume. (We found out later that they were Punch Drunk Monkey, and that Southern Comfort was sponsoring body painting for some reason)
Anyway Mung are a 4 piece band, with brilliant Red Marshall amps. A Popcore sound that was most vibrant and loud. More hardcore than pop, it sounded like it might be happy, and was certainly a step above your average hardcore band, which tends to just be fast and loud. Although you still could not understand the lyrics.
Our friend Blitz was there with a press pass for a fanzine (but no pencil or other writing instruments). We had both been drawn by Chris O'Conner's rave preview in Eye. (Who was also present, at the front. It is always nice to see writers, that actually believe what they write.)
Blondie meets the Rezzillos, with perhaps a little too much Patty Smyth. New York city just flows from their pores. They are a 4 piece with a female lead singer, and brilliant female drummer. (pounding) The bass player had a very distinctive round VOX bass. They were not able to sustain the quality for the whole set, but there is nothing like New York rock and roll (bay-bee). Steve found them less enjoyable than I did, perhaps because he wasn't jumping around up at the front like I was.
After a hot dog (protein replenishment) break, we headed over to the converted (?) legion hall, The 360, which unfortunately still looks like a legion hall, with plastic chairs and cups, and big long tables with folding legs. Radioblaster was one of our great discoveries last year. I have enjoyed their recordings, and was particularly looking forward to seeing them play again this year. They were not the band I remembered, but instead were playing dirges, and sounding particularly depressing. Rather than ruin an otherwise good start, we left, and caught the bus home. (we met Mike Potty waiting for the bus, he had been at the Horseshoe all night, as he hadn't bought a pass this year, but he had nothing good to report)
It was a circus carnival all right. Crappy, in his dayglo orange hair, warmed the audience up with a few acoustic songs. One about his girlfriend being in a coma. The guitarist wears a very large wig, and the bass player has a 3 foot green spiky mohawk. There were lots of stage props, including exploding bombs, smoke, lights, electric chairs, costumes, and a devil made out of televisions. Crappy even breathed fire (not the last band tonight to try that trick). Foam chunks and donuts were also thrown at the audience. One member of the audience was sprayed with whip cream and feathers, for the promise of a free CD. The songs were pretty crummy, but it was amusing none the less. These were the same guys that were hanging out here last night (in full costume). and we saw them again later that night at other gigs including the next show, The Veronica Cartwrights. I got a paper, they left from the Binghamton area, called The Music Press (final issue). Crappy is on the cover. Apparently these guys used to be called Stöol
We had some trouble finding the Boda, on the South side of Queen West, East of Bathurst.
The Bunnies were a bit slow for my tastes (maybe not slow, but low on the excitement curve.). Acoustic guitar with electric accompaniment , sort of a folk pop sound. There was something missing from the whole thing, but we couldn't put our fingers on it. One thought was that they needed to listen to more Jonathan Richman. Moe Berg of Pursuit of Happiness was there and seemed to be enjoying them.
For some reason I thought this would be another Botswanas, but there are no females in this band. We had the very weird Algonquin Honey Nut Ale on tap. Things started off great with lazy fuzzy guitars played nice and fast, but then there was a bunch of much slower, less captivating songs. Next they decided they had to switch instruments a few times, as the guitarist went behind the drums. Now this is never a good idea. It puts a damper on the timing of the show, and the drummer sounds similar enough on guitar (and visa versa) that nobody cares. It usually stems from the insecure member of band, deciding that the other guy isn't singing his song well enough . They finished it off with an unrecognizable butchered Neil Young song (they announced this as a Canadian tribute). Members of Punch Drunk Monkey were in attendance, and one of the Kids in the Hall was spotted as well.
Nice Trebly fast guitars. There were strong elements of SLF, the Clash and Sugar present in the music. Strangely there were also several songs which sounded like hillbilly-core (this was not necessarily a good thing, but they never let it drag on). A definite thumbs up.
Ran out for a protein replenishment break, and when we got back to the Rivoli, SON had packed the house and there was a line to get in. people were leaving, but apparently not fast enough to let more in. I overheard one grumbling that they didn't see what all the hype was around this band. (you can't hear the band from out front as there are two doors to go through)
We didn't care enough to hang around in line though.
We passed on the Bev, Twiggy's and X-rays and went up to the Ultrasound Showbar to see the Local Rabbits. Steve took one look and said, "oh no not Quebec space rock !", and ran out screaming into the street. So we went back to the Bev for a game of pool and a jug of draft, as the music was obviously over, until tomorrow.
Kat Rocket is a band that I have heard about on the radio, several times, and had never made it to a show, so I was keen to catch them here. A great swirling sound scape.There are places where it drags on the floor, but mostly it swirls around your head. Great vocals by the cute blonde female lead singer. Overall another enjoyable band. Although they were a little light on substance, It didn't matter as the night was young. A few singles were thrown at the audience, but although the guy in front of us was slow to react, I still couldn't grab one fast enough. I had wanted to see these guys for sometime, so I was glad that I finally had. Steve said "I liked them, but I am not sure why" & "I would be really happy if my sister were in a band that sounded this good"
Wow, the best show of evening and we almost missed it, due to the lame description in NOW that said "kinda like nails on a chalk board only more bearable". (The alternate choice was to be Smoother, upstairs at the El Mocambo, but we had seen them a few weeks earlier opening for 1000 Mona Lisa, at the horseshoe). Of course my description of "Molly Ringwald & Spinal Tap" is hardly flattering either. And it is also incomplete, as it fails to describe the wonderful songs, and completely enjoyable way in which they are delivered. I am quite sure that the 3 male members of the band, believe that they are in the most "kickingest" Heavy Metal band in Southern Ontario. Only she knows better, as she manipulates them into doing her bidding (in a non-malicious way of course). I purchased a CD on the way out (Flamethrower). Steve called them one of the best bands we have seen in a long time (note that this was the second band tonight to breath fire !)
So they had the coolest name, and we were already there, but Scratching Post, started early and played fast, There was about a half an hour to kill , so we got a breath of fresh air in between sets.
Fuzz the world is a 5 piece band, with a very animated singer. He was leaping and jumping, and singing, it was quite spectacular. They reminded me of Pearl Jam and Red Hot Chilli Peppers to a certain extent and at the same time The Stooges meet the Who. The songs are generic alternative though and essentially unremarkable. The singer really saves the show. If they can just write that one great song, they got it made. As uncompelling as the material was it was still a pleasurable experience.
The first time we attempt to catch 3 bands in one set. I wanted to go see the "Les Hommes Qui Wear Espandrillos" at the Rivoli, but Steve was convinced that it was going to be bricks and garbage cans.
- 1 * -Love Canal
Toronto, Ontario
Beverly Tavern
[NXNE Link]
I had heard of them, and they were close, and on the way to the Rivoli should I convince Steve we really wanted to see "Les Hommes". We got our pictures taken by the photographer from "Watch", and discussed photography till he grew tired of us, and us of him.
Love Canal, is a 3 piece, with a female singer/guitarist that sings whiney pop songs. not our cup of tea though, so off to...
- 2 * -Face Plant
Toronto, Ontario
The 360
[NXNE Link]
I almost made it to the Rivoli, but Steve wanted to see Poledo at the 360, They weren't playing till 1am though. Steve enjoyed the 3 piece punk rock garage band, Face Plant though, even with the mistaken belief that they were really Poledo. They did typical garage band things, like murdering a Ramones song, but they also mostly played fast songs, a few of which were good, and finished their set early.
- 4 * -Les Hommes Qui wear Espandrillos
Huckelhoven, Germany
The Rivoli
[NXNE Link]
So we rushed next door, to catch the last song by "Les Hommes", The band with the silliest name. It was indescribable, the amazing sound we were witnessing. Nine Inch Nails style industrial, with pounding drum rhythms and screaming guitars. If Scratching Post, hadn't been such a good call, Steve would be in big trouble for having us miss this. They are a 3 piece band, and The bass player was the spitting image of Dr. Green from the television show E.R
I had heard something about Ed Hammel on the radio, but couldn't remember quite what. It was a good call none the less though because he is just brilliant. The "bald sweaty fuck" with the screaming acoustic guitar. He is the evil opposite of Jonathan Richman, but brilliant none the less, and a great end to the event.
Now by opposite, I don't mean that he is some worthless performer who is boring, and uninspiring, I mean quite the opposite. Like matter is to anti-matter, equal but made up of opposite particles. If anti-matter comes in contact with matter, both particles are eliminated, due to their opposite effects on each other. Like Darth Vader is to Luke Skywalker (though not physically related) Hammel is the evil doppleganger of Jonathan the good.
Hammel on Trial is from New York (well that almost explains it) he is bald, early 40s (?) and performs solo with a single mike, and an acoustic guitar. This man is whirlwind on the guitar, he plays harder and faster than just about anyone I have seen on an acoustic guitar, an Anti-folk artist if ever there was one. yet he makes sure you understand the words, and stops between songs to chat with the audience. This man is a brilliant performer, and crowd pleaser. People were sitting around on the floor, clapping laughing, there was audience participation, the atmosphere was very Jonathan !! But you see, Jonathan would never tell anal sex jokes, and he wouldn't sing the Folsom prison song, reveling in the line "I shot a man dead in Reno just to see him die", and he wouldn't swear or refer to himself as "The bald sweaty fuck on stage". But the Evil opposite of Jonathan would (and did, and will again).
If you get a chance to see this man perform I would definitely recommend it. Just don't take your kids, and remember where your allegiance lies, for the power of the dark side is strong and compelling, and those of you who show weakness will be pulled in never to return.
(July 27 - purchased the CD Big as Life)
(followed by coffee and Jamaican patties to mark the real end of the event)