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Treatment (brief outline of the main plot) | Subplots
PRELIMINARY MATTER: Title Page | Dedication | Epigraph | Characters | Theatre and Set Design | Costumes and Makeup | Music | Note on Pronunciation | Setting and Time
PLAY PROPER: Act I, Scene 1 | Act III, Scene 1 | Act V (incomplete)
Treatment (a few sentences about the action of the play) | Subplots
PLAY PROPER: Act V, final scene
Some of these may be included in a book. Its title seems likely to be Mystery and Pathos of Mortal Existence, or possibly Imagined Worlds or Eyes of Lapis Lazuli and Other Poems.
"Solomon and Sheba" | "Solomon's Temple" | "Love's Defence" | "Saul and Jonathan" | "The Visitation" | "Legacy" | "The Thought" | "All We Ever Say Is Our Own Names" | "Abaddon" | "Throbs" | "Listening" | "The Creation" | "Solomon's Reform" | "Desperately I Brace the Ladder" | "Hesperides" | "Encounter in the Woods" | "After Actaeon"
"Transference" | "Orpheus and the Animals" | "The Wisdom of Orpheus" | "Orpheus in Toronto" | "The Traveller" | "Einstein" | "Pan's Nights" | "Lancelot and Guinevere" | "Philosopher"
"Chatterton" | "P. B. Shelley" | "Vincent"
"Forgive" | "After Twenty-Five Years" | "Going to the House" | "The Unforgiven Postman" | "The Lover" | "The Ring" | "Grey Clouds Bunching, Winter Coming Fast" | "Illinois" | "Portrait of an Artist" | "To Objectivists and Libertarians" | "The End" | "Hamilton Bay" | "Brief Farewell" | "The Abstinence" | "Imitation of Catullus" | "Riddance" | "Dulce et Decorum?" | "Silence and Poetry"
"Wanderer's Nightsong" by Goethe
"A Note for Non-Philosophers" | "The Fog of Propaganda"
"Futurist Manifesto" | "William Irwin Thompson" | "Ben Johnson, Canadian" | "Robert Anton Wilson" | "Glenn Gould"
"Alan Greenspan" | "Recent Economic Events" | "Laissez-faire" | "Two Cheers for Capitalism" | "Linda McQuaig"
"How to Write History" | "Palestine" | "Israel" | "Yasser Arafat" | "Should We Accept Globalization?" | "Should We Choose Socialized or Capitalist Medicine?" | "Pierre Elliott Trudeau" | "Toronto in 2002" | "Will Canada Continue to Exist?" | "Lord Black of Crossharbour" | "Crimes of the United States?" | "Terror, State Terror and War" | "Joe Clark" | "Québec" | "The Central Intelligence Agency and the Pax Americana" | "Noam Chomsky's Political Writings" | "Do Natural Rights Exist?"
"Jack Adrian" | "Marshall Bruce Evoy" | "Comic Books and I" | "Northrop Frye" | "P. Emerson Tapley"
"What is Philosophy?" | "Who Needs Philosophy?" | "A Brief Sketch of Western Philosophical Metaphysics before Kant" | "A Brief Sketch of Western Philosophical Metaphysics from Kant to the Present" | "Epistemology: The Theory of Knowledge" | "Socrates and Plato" | "Descartes" | "Existentialism" | "Colin Wilson" | "Russell, Wittgenstein and Linguistic Analysis" | "Wittgenstein's Tractatus" | "The Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy" | "A Requiem for Ayn Rand?" | "Re-Evaluating Ayn Rand" | "Anarchism vs. Government" | "Reason and Emotion" | "Sex" | "Intuition and the Unconscious" | "The Selfish Gene" | "Ethics" | "Capitalist Libertarianism" | "Metaphysics, Meaning and Philip Wheelwright" | "Life and Death" | "Reason" | "Brand Blanshard" | "Collectivism and Communism" | "What Is Truly Rational?" | "Objectivity" | "Martin Heidegger" | "Jacques Derrida"
"The Origins of Poetry, Music, and Dance" | "The Early History of Poetry" | "The Later History of Poetry" | "How to Write Poetry" | "William Shakespeare" | "William Butler Yeats" | "Ezra Pound" | "Canadian Poetry"
"Some Excellent Fiction Writers" | "Canadian Prose Literature"
"Jesus of Nazareth" | "L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology" | "Islam and Terrorism" | "Antisemitism"
Please return every four to six months: more poems and essays should be here, and those here now will have improved. The site will gradually grow more graphic and interactive.
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Last modified: 7:42 AM 26/12/2003