Toddler (18 months to 2 years)

As Toddlers they are becoming more self-aware, developing their own personalities and exploring their own emotions - expressing themselves in creative ways! We provide a free play environment with sensory, creative and cognative activities. Our underlying philosophy is the process and not the product. Daily group time includes short stories, discussions, lots of songs and instruments; puppets are frequently used. An emphasis is placed on "social interaction" encouraging the children to communicate with each other through their play.

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Daily Schedule of Toddler Children


Gather in Kindergarten Room or Toddler Room or Outside. (In Summer we are often outside already, etc.)


Creative Art / Sensory / Exploration / Cognitive Games

10:00 Wash hands /Snack
10:30 Group time (Circle) / Washroom Routine / Free Play
11:00 Outside / Gym
12:00 Lunch / Diaper Check / Books on the Couch


3:00 Washroom Routine / Free play / Creative Art / Sensory

Gym / Outside

4:30 Snack / Wash hands

Outside / Gym / Free play

6:00 Daycare closes


Sample "Toddler Weekly Program Plan"

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Creative or Sensory / Cognitive Experience


Painting on boxes Sponge Painting with Shapes Easel Paints

Toothbrush Painting

Flour table with farm animals

Animal prints
Gross or Fine Motor Experience (Indoor) Felt board with animals

Stacking blocks

Water play

Sand Table with cars, trucks, people, etc. Water Table with large and small containers Train Tracks and Bridges.

Creative or Sensory / Cognitive Experience


Stamps and markers Crayons and scissors Chalk and water Play dough with rolling pins and cutters Paints with large and small brushes



Down at the station.

Wheels on the buss.

Sleeping bunnies

Finger puppet plays

Brown bear

Fire station

Finger family

If you're happy ..



Monkeys jumping on the bed.

Hand puppets to share & sing with.

Inside movement / Gym / Outside / other

Tapes & Balls Books & Bikes & Strollers

Riding Toys

Babies in strollers

Duplo Table & Animals & Shovels

Puzzles on tables




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