Our Staff

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We have 10 full-time and 2 part-time staff, a full-time chef, a Director and an Assistant Director. All full time teaching staff have a diploma in Early Childhood Education and a current Standard First Aid Certificate. The staff works under a Collective Agreement negotiated between their union (CUPE) and the Daycare.


Director Laura started as director on May 2003 after 14 years as a staff member in the preschool and kindergarten rooms. Laura is currently on leave. Current Acting Director is Rick Nankisoor
Assistant Director Veronica has been at WEPD since 1989.
Toddler Room Veronica, Rhonda and Melanie (part time). Veronica has been at WEPD since 1989. Rhonda has worked at WEPD for over 20 years.
Preschool Room Liseta and Lily. Liseta started in 1985 and has worked with all the age-groups during that time. Silka has worked at the daycare since 1990 starting in the school-age room. .
Kindergarten Room Joycelin, Maria and Gem. Joycelin has been at WEPD for over 14 years, and Maria for 15.

Helena, Zebby and Kevin. Helena has been working here for 20 years. Zebby has been at WEPD since 1990.

Chef Judith has been our fulltime chef since 1995.


Parents are encouraged to help in the running of the Centre whether by belonging to a committee, helping on fix-it or clean-up days, helping with bake sales, or volunteering on trips. In the summer we have a barbecue and before the Christmas holiday a potluck dinner for parents, staff and all the children. Please join in!


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