Before & After School Program (grades 1 to 4)

Our goal is to provide an environment where children feel like they are coming and going from a second home. Moving away from the structure and stresses of school to a space where they can relax, read, create, and explore. In this relaxed structure children can participate in music, dance, arts & crafts, science, computer center, and recreational activities.

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Daily Schedule of School-age Children


Welcome room for all children in the kindergarten room.

Free play


Walk children to OOOPS & DEWSON schools




Pick up from OOOPS & DEWSON schools.

Washroom Routine.


Walk children back to OOOPS & DEWSON schools.


Pick up from OOOPS & DEWSON schools.

Washroom Routine.



Cognitive games, creatives, science, sensory exploration, cooking, Gym / Outdoor play & co-operative games.

6:00 Daycare closes

Sample "School-age Weekly Program Plan"

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Arts & crafts

Plaster Creations

  • animal faces
  • bugs
  • sea creatures
  • flowers
Collages Sand Painting Salt Chalk Art Sewing Painted Fabric Wallets
Science & Sensory Making Sugar Crystals Invisible Ink Messages Creating Goop. Finger Painting Creating Playdough
Gym Outdoor time scheduled ...
Drama & Cooking/Baking House / Dress Up / Music House / Dress Up / Music


Rice Krispie Squares

House / Dress Up / Dancing House / Dress Up / Dancing
Outdoor Play Soccer / Free Play Free Play / Balls, bikes, shovels, etc. Kick ball / Free Play Free Play / Balls, bikes, shovels, etc. Ring Toss / Free Play

Board games, Wood working, books, Lego, Computers, Sandbox, Wood blocks.


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