Pre-School (2 years to entry to Junior Kindergarten)

As the children are able to communicate more through language and are beginning to show more of an understanding about "social boundaries" we try to encourage a greater sense of independence through simple activities such as learning to wash their hands, wiping their noses, and how to use their knife and fork. The children learn to respect themselves. The children may then start to think beyond themselves as individuals and start to have empathy for others.

At this stage, the children are learning to do alot for themselves and we try to encourage their independence still further by asking them to do little tasks like putting their chairs away at the end of mealtimes, and going to the toilet on their own. By doing this we are encouraging the children to start taking responsibility for their own actions. Language plays an important role in being able to share ideas, points of view and instructions between the children and adults. Sharing is a big part of "circle" time. At story and discussion times, as well as through play, the children are being given the opportunity to talk with the other children and staff. More structured activities, such as playing board games, are carried out with smaller groups of children to try and extend their concentration and also to develop their social skills such as sharing and taking turns.

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Daily Schedule of Preschool Children


Drop off in Kindergarten Room (Free play)


Move to Preschool Room


Washroom Routine / Dress for Outdoor Play

10:00 Indoor - Washroom Routine
10:15 Snack

Free play: Various Learning Centres/Activities Available

  • Creative Arts
  • Sensory Activities
  • Dramatic Play
  • Cognitive(table toys)
  • Book Centre
  • Water Table
  • Sand Table

Tidy up Playroom / Group Time

11:30 Lunchtime Routine

Washroom Routine / Rest Time


Gradual Wake up / Washroom Routine / Dress for Outdoors

3:00 Indoors / Afternoon Snack Routine

Free play in Playroom (See morning freeplay .. above)


Kindergartens join Preschoolers in the Preschool Room

6:00 Daycare closes



Sample "Preschool Weekly Program Plan"



Through participation in the experiences provided by this theme, the children may learn about the changes of fall and seasonal celebrations.

Date:   Theme: Fall! (Seasonal Changes, Special Occasion)
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
AM PROGRAM          

Group discussion:

Children will learn that fall is one of the four seasons related book = "Fall leaves" song="Autumn leaves are falling down"

Group discussion:

Fall Holiday Scarf & sweaters. Related book="Why do leaves change color?"

Pumpkin game.

Group discussion:

Orange & black are Halloween colors. Related book="Who goes out on Halloween" song="Halloween is here"

Group discussion:

Costumes and masks are worn on Halloween. Related book="A very scary Jack-O-lantern" song="Halloween is here"

Group discussion:

Ghosts, black cats and witches are symbols of Halloween. Related book="Jack-O-lantern" song="I have a Jack-O-lantern"

Creative Stencilling on orange paper with markers

Corn / Leaf Painting on Orange Paper

Corn / Leaf brush painting on orange paper Small Pumpkin carving Children choose what they want for art today.
Science / Math / Cooking Observing our trees changes (outside)

Discussions on various things we did with the corn and leaves


Learning to ride bikes in the play ground.

Leaf Changes Continued...

  • Green to beige
  • Soft to hard


Cooking Halloween cookies.


Touch, feel, smell change from pumpkin to Jack-o-lantern.


Brown Bear Hunt Outdoors.

Special Activities  



Halloween Dress-Up!


Animal movement.




Tree - fruits - seeds - What happens in fall?

Book="Corduroy's first Halloween" Song="Apple Song"
Book about changing leaves. Game= Memory game with orange objects - what is missing?

What happens with squirrels? Where do they sleep?

Counting pumpkins

What happens to squirrels and birds in fall?

Counting leaves. Talk about different leaves and trees.

Fall Story - Apple Dapples Story.
Creative   Pasting     Orange Play dough making
Science / Math / Cooking Cutting fruits - collecting seeds Baking Pumpkin - Playing with orange balls.      
Special Activities  


Fall Farm Trip!

Orange Jello Treat

We wear orange day!


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