Play and Facilities

We are blessed with access to great play equipment, wonderful grounds to explore and limited access to a gymnasium.

Our daycare is situated on a wooded lot. The front playground has two play-structures: one for the toddlers (built in 2000) and one for the preschool and kindergarteners (built in 2002). The back of the daycare extends into the nature playground and school-age play equipment structures of Ossington Old Orchard School; where our children also play. Inside WEPD, we are fortunate to have limited access to a gymnasium normally used for study and performance by Ballet Creole; ideal for days when the children can't go outside.

As per the Day Nurseries Act, we offer the children two hours of outdoor play per day. If it is raining or too cold, attempts are made to schedule time for the children to play in the gymnasium.

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