Our Mission Statement

West End Parents' Daycare is committed to the provision of excellent physical and nurturing care within an environment of enriched learning. We recognize the value of diversity and difference within our community and the need to address systemic barriers to provide an equitable environment. Our staff seek to support the developmental needs of each child to foster growth and learning in their social, emotional, physical, cognitive and creative make-up in a play-based environment. The WEPD community strives to work cooperatively to ensure a dynamic, progressive and comprehensive daycare program, one that includes a shared commitment to the following principles:

Philosophy of Art

Creative activities at WEPD are child-centred, child-oriented and child-produced. It is our philosophy that when the children are given materials with which to explore and experiment, they will discover their own capabilities, talents and interests. The teacher, therefore, becomes a Facilitator, Guide and Encourager to each individual child to, first of all, participate, and second of all, to enjoy his/her own work and feel proud of what has happened in this activity.

PROCESS NOT THE PRODUCT is our underlying philosophy. What the child does with the materials provided is our focus. The final result or product is not the reason nor rationale for doing any creative activity.

USE OF STENCILS is a very interesting and important activity but is not considered a creative activity.

In general, PRE-CUT SHAPES, FINISHED EXAMPLES OR PICTURES OF EXAMPLES, should not be used. However, if the children need encouragement, the early childhood educator will use her/his own judgement to present the materials appropriately.

A TEACHER'S TALENT will be used to encourage children and to present ingenious activities in the area of creativity. A child should never have to compare what he has done with any adult's work. We want children to compare what they have done with their previous work. We want our children to be proud of their own efforts and what they have produced. One of our goals for our children is that they will enjoy what they are doing: the process, the experience and the materials.

Our art program is FLEXIBLE. Children have a choice of whether or not to take part, to postpone or to engage in what is prepared. There is always an area available with materials for children to choose, at any time during free play. We want children's imaginations, thoughts and emotions to express themselves in the art work. All art programs are geared to the children's ages, interests and abilities.



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