Meals, Snacks, & Nutrition!

Our programs offer 2 nutritional snacks--once in the morning and in the afternoon--and a hot lunch at midday from our on-site kitchen. We have a full-time cook.

WEPD operates a health conscious kitchen. Our menu is on a 6 week rotation. Vegetarian menus are prepared three days per week and meat or fish is cooked 2 days per week. For those children who don't eat meat, there is a vegetarian alternative available every day. The menus reflect an overall philosophy of using fresh produce in season whenever possible; using organic products where affordable; accommodating individual dietary restrictions (i.e. lacto and wheat intolerance, vegetarian); avoiding white sugar and preservatives as much as possible. We also recognise the likes and dislikes of the children. The weekly menus are posted on the bulletin board and in each room. If your child has food restrictions due to allergies, medical conditions, or personal observances, please inform the Centre and we will be pleased to accommodate them.

WEPD does not allow any peanuts or nut products on the premises.

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Sample Week's Snacks and Meals

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Morning Snack

Muffins, Fruit, Milk

Cereal, Bananas, Milk

Graham Crackers, Cream Cheese, Fruit

Cereal, Fruit, Milk

Yogurt, Granol, Fruit

Midday Meal

Macaroni & Cheese, Garden Salad

Milk & Juice

Meatloaf, Potatoes & Corn

Milk & Juice

Vegetarian Lasagna Salad

Milk & Juice

Fish Sticks, Rice & Steamed Broccoli

Milk & Juice

Tacos, Refried Beans, Lettuce, Tomatoes & Carrots

Milk & Juice

Afternoon Snack

Rice Cakes, Fruit Spread & Fruit

Crackers, Cheese Squares & Fruit Tortillas, Salsa & Fruit Cookies & Fruit Tuna Salad, Mini Pitas & Fruit

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