
Hours of Operation

WEPD is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Public School Pickups and Dropoffs

WEPD drops off and picks up students from Ossington Old Orchard Public School (OOOPS) which is connected to our daycare through the nature park which was once part of Garrison Creek. We also have pickups and drop-offs at Dewson Public School, which is the local primary school for French Immersion.

Statutory Holidays

WEPD is closed on the following statutory holidays each year: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Canada Day, Civic Holiday (August), Victoria Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day. When Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve fall on a weekday, the Centre will close at 1pm. Other than the above exceptions, we are open during school vacations and on professional development (PD) days.


Parents interested in enrolling children in the Centre are requested to complete a registration form and return it to the Director. This can be done if your child is ready immediately, or if you know the date in the future when you will require a space at the daycare. If space is available at the time you require a spot for your child, we will ask you to sign the parental agreement, and for a two week deposit which will be credited to your last month's fees upon your two week notice of withdrawl. This deposit is non-refundable.

We will verify the registration information each year that your child attends WEPD, but ask that parents let us know as soon as possible when any key information changes. In particular, this form will specify your child's food allergies, emergency contacts, and the names of the people who have permission to pick up your child.

Child Care Subsidies

Our daycare centre operates under a provincial license and is entitled to accept children who receive a daycare subsidy from Toronto Children's Services. If you require subsidy please ensure that you qualify before starting at the Centre.

Wait List

When there is full enrolment at WEPD, we will add your name to a waiting list and let you know as soon as a space becomes available. Once a space becomes available, it is allocated according to the following priorities: a child of a staff member will be considered first, a sibling of a child already enrolled in the centre will have next priority, the first name on the waiting list will have next priority.

Late Pick-Up

If for some reason you will be unable to pick up your child by 6 p.m., please notify the centre. In these circumstances, alternative arrangements should be made. Our policy is a fine of $1.00/minute for each minute late commencing at 6:01pm. The total late fee is due in cash to the staff on duty in your child's room. It is payable immediately upon pick-up. If you do not pay at the time of pick up, you will be required to sign a late fee form stating to whom the money is owed and how much. If you do not pay, it will be added to the monthly fee.

What happens if you are late for pick-up

If you or an authorized person does not pick up your child by 6:00 p.m. and you have not contacted us, we: 6:05pm - Check our answering machine/voice mail and our Communication Log Book - Telephone you at all your numbers listed in your child's file and leave a message 6:15pm - Telephone you again - If you are not reached, telephone the emergency contact people in the order listed in your child's file. If no one arrives to pick up the child, we will attempt to contact you or another contact listed in your child's file. If, by 7 p.m. we have not reached anyone indicated in the file, we are required to notify Children's Aid.

Orientation to the Centre

In order to help the child make a happy adjustment to the centre, we recommend that for the first few days the child visit but not stay the full day. The adjustment could take up to five days depending on the child. The permanent staff members in your child's room will be your primary contact and will be available to answer questions about your child's wellbeing, adjustment, relationships with the other children, general development, diet, etc. However please feel free to talk to any of the staff members or to the Director or to a member of the board if you have questions or concerns. There will be a room meeting twice a year (in the fall and in the spring) to discuss the programming and activities in each room and get parent feedback. Of course suggestions are welcome at any time.

Clothing, diapers, etc.

The following is a list of articles you will need to bring on your child's first day at the daycare centre: an extra set of indoor clothing, appropriate outdoor clothing, extra diapers (if required), a blanket or cuddly toy for sleep time (if required.) Your child will be assigned a cubby for his or her personal belongings. Please label all of your child's clothing, both for indoors and out. A complete change of clothing, especially for the younger children, is often needed and should be left at the Daycare. Unfortunately we cannot be responsible for missing items although the staff will do its best to help you locate personal belongings. Of course, clear labelling really helps!

Belongings from Home

Please understand that with the best of intentions toys can get broken, lost or stolen. For that reason we ask that all precious toys and all breakable toys stay at home. We also discourage aggressive toys. Other toys should remain in the child's cubby unless permission is received from staff member. Allowances will of course be made for toddlers and preschool children who like to have special toys for sleep time, and attachment toys for transitional periods. If your child likes to bring a toy from home, we encourage stuffed animals.

Withdrawal Notice

We require two weeks written notice if families are planning to withdraw their child from the program, however, one month’s written notice is preferred. Your cooperation in giving advance notice will help us plan for the next child. Parents are responsible for fees during the notice period. The deposit paid will be credited upon your two weeks notice or used as payment for no-notice withdrawl.

Behaviour Management

Our philosophy is that positive reinforcement and encouragement are the most effective means of helping children learn positive behaviours. By recognizing personal choice and allowing the child control over his/her environment, we encourage the child to express feelings and opinions. We provide opportunities for the child to see different perspectives and to see the validity of alternate points of view, and come to the best possible solution (ideally) by mutual consent. Children are asked to respect each other, the care providers, and to help clean up. Since socialisation is an important part of growing up, the staff will keep an eye out for situations where some guidance is required. We attempt to teach by example, by being courteous and developing warm and friendly relationships with the children. This strategy has been very successful.

Suspension and Withdrawal

It is very rare, but certain repeated behaviour could lead to a point of suspension or withdrawal. As a first step, we would call the parents' attention to the disruptive behaviour. Together we would monitor the behaviour and work on strategies of dealing with it. If this is unsuccessful we may suggest referral to outside agencies for help. If none of these steps are helpful, we may decide, along with the parents, that this daycare is not the best place for the child. Every effort would be made to find a more suitable program.

Working together

From time to time parents may have an issue or concern they would like dealt with. If this issue concerns a staff member, parents are urged to first attempt to resolve the dispute by discussing the matter directly with the staff member. If one-to-one discussion does not succeed, then the parent may present the complaint to the Director or a board member. Ideally these complaints should be made in writing. The concern will then be addressed by the Personnel Committee if necessary. If parents have a general concern about the daycare, they are asked to discuss this with the Director who will bring the matter to the board's attention or refer it to the appropriate committee. If the matter concerns health or safety, parents have the option of contacting the Ministry. This should only be done if the matter cannot be resolved by speaking to the staff, the Director, or a board member. The numbers for the Ministry are listed on the parent board.


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