Kindergarten (Junior and Senior)

For Kindergarten, children are spending mornings or afternoons at the kindergarten programs at either Ossington Old Orchard Public School (OOOPS) or Dewson Public School. Our staff perform public school drop off and pickup where the children spend the balance of time at the WEPD Kindergarten program. Everyone has lunch at WEPD.

At this stage, their personalities and individuality are evident and they have more confidence in themselves. They have a better feel for what they can do and realise their ability to try new things. They are gaining knowledge and understanding of the world around them..

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Daily Schedule of Kindergarten Children


Welcome room for all children

Freeplay (be aware of toddlers)


Walk children to OOOPS & DEWSON schools

Kindergarten children join Preschool group


Washroom-dressing for outdoor play/gym

Outdoor Play

10:00 Washroom/Snack (Children wash hands in the washroom)
10:15 Free play - creative activities, dramatic centre, puzzles, listening centre, sensory-water, sand, etc.
11:15 Tidy up - Circle time
11:45 Lunch- morning group
12:00 Lunch- afternoon group

School for morning children

Outdoor play for afternoon children

1:30 Washroom - rest time
2:30 Free play
3:30 Tidy up - Circle time


Children arrive from afternoon school

4:30 Free play

Tidy up

Kindergartens join Preschool and Toddlers in Preschool Room

6:00 Daycare closes

Sample "Kindergarten Weekly Program Plan"



  • To increase children's vocabulary and knowledge about "space".
Date: Oct. 20-24/03 Theme: Space
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Creative Space projects all week: rockets, planets using a variety of materials such as - cardboard cones, boxes, paint, tongue depressors and cardboard tubes.

Large poster display of our Solar System.

- Clay Sculptures

- Measuring and pouring coloured water. - Goop - Plasticine astronaughts - Playdough creations.
Dramatic Area


Chairs, control panel


Photos of galaxy

Outdoor Flying paper airplanes

Cardboard box spaceships

Making planets


- Space

- Labeling planets

-Black holes

-Space station


Circle Group Activity

Special activity

- Visiting musician

Our Planets

- Earth, etc.

- Reading books about planets to children

If I were an astronaut ...


Naming and identifying planets on poster




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