Illness or Accident

If a child appears ill during the course of the day, staff will contact a parent. Please be sure to keep us updated on your work and home numbers, and emergency contacts. In the best interests of your child, and the other children at the daycare, your child should be kept at home when he/she has any of the following symptoms: a cold that hinders day-to-day functioning, a sore throat, an ear ache, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, unexplained rash or apparent discharge from eyes/ears. As a rule of thumb, the child is considered well enough to participate in all aspects of the program if the child is well enough to go to daycare. A child should not return to the Centre until he/she has been free from diarrhea for 24 hours. After having a fever, a child should not return to the Centre until his/her temperature has been normal for 24 hours. As a courtesy, we ask that you call us by 10 a.m. each day that your child will be away due to illness. It is important to advise staff as soon as possible about the type of illness your child has contracted in order to help them identify symptoms in other children in the room. A child with a communicable disease cannot be admitted to the daycare. If your child has contracted a communicable illness (i.e. measles, mumps, chicken-pox, strep throat, pink eye, impetigo) please notify a staff member at the daycare. If exposure has unknowingly been present at the daycare, we will send home an anonymous form as per the Day Nurseries Act, informing the other parents in the room that their child may have been exposed. Please consult with your doctor to confirm that your child is no longer contagious. From time to time children in Toronto may contract head lice. WEPD follows the Board of Education policy on this subject which recommends immediate treatment.

Injuries while at Daycare

In the event that your child receives a minor injury while in care at the daycare, the staff will prepare an accident form for your signature. If the child needs attention, we will call the caregiver immediately at the contact numbers listed on your application form. In the event of a serious occurrence, we will also transport your child to the nearest hospital.


The WEPD staff are only authorized to administer prescription medication. If you would like the staff to do this, there is a form to be completed. The only situation in which staff can administer nonprescription medicine (such as aspirin) is if the medicine has been recommended by your doctor in writing, and the Centre permission form has been completed.

All medication must come in the original container with the label on it.


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