Summer Field Trips and Special Guests

We do everything to ensure that the summer program is especially fun and takes advantage of the weather and unique facilities our city offers. We will go swimming whenever possible, take the children to local wading pools and parks, and arrange special field trips to Centre Island, etc. We also have our own celebrations such as pyjama days, picnics, and special events that are culturally inclusive. Another feature of the summer program are activities that take place at the daycare such as: dance classes, art projects, sports and drama. Programming varies in accordance to the annual decisions made by the Programming Committee.

Field Trips

On field trips outside the Centre, each staff member is responsible for a certain number of children determined by age-appropriate ratios. Parents are welcome to participate in field trips and are often needed in order to give us the appropriate ratio. Please, if at all possible, join us for at least one excursion during the summer. It's a great way to spend some time with your child and meet his or her friends. When a trip is planned we will ask you to sign a trip permission form allowing your child to participate. It is important that each child understands that he/she must be considerate of others and show respect for public property on all WEPD outings. For the safety of the children, all pickups and drop-offs for fieldtrips take place at the Centre.

Special Guests

We like to have guests to do on-site workshops with the children during the year, especially for the toddlers and pre-school children who don't attend school yet. These include musical guests, storytellers, etc.

Samples Calendars

School-age July 2003

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
    1 2 3 4 5

Canada Day

Daycare is closed.


Planting Seeds


Sports w/Kevin


Olser Park


6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Body Sculpting Week -> Art in the Park (Trinity Bellwoods Park)

Sciensational Sssnakes!! Workshop

Clip art property of

Ontario Place

Logo property of





13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Music Week -> Art in the Park (Trinity Bellwoods Park) Music Instrument Making

Bathurst Bowlerama


Sport w/Kevin

Fed Hamilton Park





20 21 22 23 24 25 26



Week ->

Dufferin Grove Park


Plaster Figures

Metro Zoo

Clip art is property of

Sports w/Kevin Plaster Figures  
27 28 29 30 31    

Making Bird Nests & Houses Week. ->

Dufferin Grove Park Bird Nest Making

Fire (First Aid) Safety Behaviour Workshop


Art in the Park (Trinity Bellwoods Park)    


Kindergarten July 2003

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
    1 2 3 4 5

Canada Day

Daycare is closed.



Michael Anderson

Music - Workshop


Ontario Place

Logo property of

Happy Graduation for 3 of our kids!  
6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Welcome to 3 new kids!

Gallery Week

Cooking Day

Let's make juice/yogurt milkshakes


Art Gallery of Ontario & Grange Park Picnic

Paper Marche

Happy Graduation for 3 more of our kids!

Paper Mache

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Welcome to 3 new kids!

Baker's Clay Week

Super Science - Workshop


Michael Anderson

Music - Workshop



Live animals - Workshop

Logo property of

Cooking Day




20 21 22 23 24 25 26


Welcome to 2 new kids!

GNP Productions

Story telling


Cooking Day


High Park Nature Centre

"Down in the Dirt"

Logo property of

Treasure Hunt  
27 28 29 30 31    


Let's Make Juice Popsicles

Little Norway Park


Michael Anderson

Music - Workshop


Tye Dyeing

Image property of

Tye Dyeing continues  

Image Credits:

*Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on
**Clip art licensed from
***Clip art licensed from
**** Clip art licensed from

+Clip art licensed from
++Clip art licensed from the


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