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2. Old January

["Shall man live? Shall god be kind? Will.
Will it please you two to follow? Right this way."]

A legend said it on the wall:

The Fall of all isReal to Time

C'est la clé. clef  cleft

bass mankind

Hudibras continue en français pour le mieux conduire ses patrons:

Moored, eh? et mourant dance dans le jardin.
Aux portes-de-fe(a)r folles on y trouve
se trouvent les forêts de pommes eloignées, les      coupables
et les bons (victor hugo) et
les tall arbres froids fraud fnord freud

they were a room,
we jung sparks the november

une hollow tronc au clair de la lune; encore
un corps blind.

The skylark is Hylas, un damné.

"Dis-content, boss, she's puzzlin!" wait, wait
*like a poet hidden in a light of thought*

o my eye, it's not well


I `s


--and falling thru clear oily eyes

Those lithe bodies pleaded, "Cum, Hylas, cum!
hélas, hylas
come, cum!"
mocking me with their hands.

O my friends,
I wept bitterly into the waters.
Babble-on held me dying, dirt on my hands, g-guilt . . .

gilt chain
welded round my hands & in my mouth
four --

"Free! free quinces! Free quinces!"
So frequent C's . . .
So high about my head & I tried to breathe outward
thru the serifs . . .

Man, dear friends, is but a wave, Hellas is hell
& hell is written on red Dial or radi(c)al
red dials of orchids
or kids dancing by the sea & by the river

like drips of sweat they roll away . . .

How is a man to live.

Man said,
"I will make all clear,"
but Time mocks him, that rocky face
floating in the forequarters of the sky,
with its army of marching bands
and grave hand sinister . . .

I cannot but fear, for i know
our nature is not well.

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