Speaker: Company: Presentation Title: Abstract:
Craig Mullins NEON Enterprise Software The Impact of Regulatory Compliance on Database Administration Governmental regulations are increasing in number, and many of them impact the way organizations must treat their data. Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, BASEL II, and more make the news, but what do they mean to a DBA? This presentation will offer an overview of the regulations and their impact on database administration.
Managing Data for Long Retention Periods  Several events in recent years have changed the requirements for retaining data from operational databases to long periods of time. Required retention periods have ballooned to many years, and in some cases, to many decades. This coupled with the rapid rise in data volumes and the importance of providing archived data on demand many years after it is created, has surfaced the need for companies to build a solid practice for archiving and managing business data from their online operational databases. The presentation covers the basics of an archiving methodology and a number of topics that require special consideration in building a database archiving practice. Topics covered are application independence, metadata independence, data authenticity, change management, storage management, and access control.
Jim Wankowski DB2 technology specialist - Quest Software Crossing Over/ Breaking the DB2 platform barrier The popularity of DB2 running on Linux, Unix, and Windows (LUW) continues to grow. The sudden growth and popularity of DB2 LUW has resulted in a shortage of experienced non-mainframe DB2 DBAs.   IT departments today have to deal with tightening budgets and shrinking staffs.  The luxury of being a single platform DBA is becoming a thing of the past.  Many DB2 mainframe DBAs find themselves supporting DB2 on these distributed platforms, resulting in a huge learning curve. It is essential for the DB2 DBA of the new millennium to be well versed on running DB2 on multiple platforms.   This presentation focuses in on comparing the key architectural and administrative differences that a DBA will find essential in order to effectively manage these platforms. 
Managing DB2 performance in a Multi-platform environment Obtaining optimal performance from your DB2 applications is a multi-faceted exercise. DB2 performance optimization cannot be limited to simply tuning SQL. You need to have an understanding of how factors such as memory, physical design, and maintenance can affect performance. This presentation will compare architectures and show you how to identify and resolve the most common areas of performance bottlenecks in DB2 running on Linux, Unix, Windows, and z/OS. This presentation will compare/contrast the differences in memory architecture, physical design, maintenance, and SQL tuning techniques for applications running in z/OS vs. LUW.