Three abortion methods used after 20 weeks gestation (re: Bill C-338)

By Suzanne Fortin

(Orginally Blogged Friday, June 23rd, 2006)

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The classic picture of an abortion is the suction aspiration of a 6-week embryo. But babies with calcified bones can't be dismembered and suctioned so easily. Abortionists need other cruel methods to kill the fetus. Canada's late-term abortion bill would diminish the number of times they would be used. Here are the descriptions of three horrible late-term abortion methods.

1) Saline injection, aka salt poisoning. A long needle with poisonous salt solution is inserted through the mother's abdomen into the amniotic sac. The baby swallows it and therefore dies. The solution also burns the skin, in effect, burning the fetus. It takes about an hour for the fetus to die. So he has to go through an agonizing death. The mother gives birth to the dead baby a day later, although sometimes the baby survives that horrible experience. Sometimes the babies are left unattended to die. Sssh, no one issue a birth certificate and no one will ever know...

2) Hysterotomy or C-section abortion. It's just like a c-section, except the umbilical cord is cut and the baby is allowed to suffocate to death. Would we even let an animal die like this? Sometimes the baby survives the operation and is left in a corner to die.

3) The infamous intact dilation and extraction. Poor-choicers really hate it when we call it by its more appropriate name "Partial Birth Abortion". Labour is induced, and the fetus is positioned so that his body is hanging out, but his head remains in the birth canal. The abortionist uses a sharp instrument to jab the baby's skull and open it up. Then the abortionist uses a suction machine to suck the baby's brain out.

Here's a diagram:

Sometimes, if the head still won't come off, the abortionist just rips off the baby's head.

This method is especially touchy, because it's especially graphic and relies on technicalities to make it acceptable.

Anyone who knows anything about pregnancy and babies knows it's a live human being we're talking about, and leaving the head in the vagina doesn't make the procedure any less cruel.

Sometimes poor-choicers call us liars and say we don't know what we're talking about when it comes to abortion. I guess that explains all the poor-choicers counteracting our ignorance with frank discussion and graphic pictures of real abortions. I would love pro-choice activists to come out with explicit details about abortion-- in layman's terms, not in medicalese. Heck, provide the pictures! Let's compare! It's supposed to be only a medical procedure; there shouldn't be any shame in all this. Nothing to be horrified about, is there?

If you've ever been to a pro-abortion site, you'll see they couch the details in vague language, and euphemism such as "product of conception" to make sure that the potential client isn't disturbed by the potential ickiness of it all.

Here's an excerpt of a blog entry I submitted to another blog. It's legal testimony of abortionists, describing PBA's in detail.



"After Westhoff said that some women like to hold the dead baby to facilitate grieving, Judge Casey asked "Did you tell them you were sucking the brains out of the same baby they desired to hold?" "They know the head's empty," Westhoff replied. "I don't tell them I'm sucking the brain out.""

Abortionist Timothy Johnson corroborated this testimony :

[Judge] Casey also wanted to know if women were informed that the abortion involved "sucking the brain out of the skull." "I don't think we would use those terms," Johnson replied. "I think we would probably use a term like decompression of the skull or reducing the contents of the skull."


The fetus can also dismembered as well in order to facilitate delivery. Abortionist Timothy Johnson testified:


[Judge] Casey also wanted to know if women were informed that their child would be dismembered before dying. "So you tell her the arms and legs are pulled off?" he asked. "I mean, that's what I want to know. Do you tell her?" "We tell her the baby, the fetus, is dismembered as part of the procedure, yes," Johnson replied.


And if the baby's head gets stuck, the abortionist simply rips the baby's head off:


The abortionist continued his horrific testimony by saying: "I have continued to pull the body and the head comes off. I have also used scissors to pierce the base of the skull and suction out the brains, or I have also used an instrument to reach up and crush the skull."


There you have it, straight from the mouths of people who do late-term abortions for a living. And as if this weren't bad enough, the abortionists give no consideration to the suffering of the child. Abortionist Timothy Johnson said he was not aware as to whether the child suffered and was unaware of any studies as to whether the fetus feels pain-- as if you'd need a study to know that!


And we're the extremists for opposing this?

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