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This page is a listing of various questions on false doctrines, with links to the answers. Just click on the Question.
What should one do when people comes to your door with teachings that are not according to the word of God?
If we do not have to pattern our lives after the fourth commandment to "Remember the Sabbath," then can you tell me why we have to keep the seventh "Thou shalt not commit adultery?"QUESTION 3:
In 2 John 1:9-10 we read about the doctrine of Christ and people coming to your house without that doctrine are not to be received. What is the doctrine of Christ?QUESTION 4:
One translation of John 1:1 says that the Word was a "god" implying that Jesus was a created "god." Is this true?QUESTION 5:
Do you believe in generational curses? I was raised in a home where there was witchcraft. Do you think that is why I deal with the same sin each time I backslide?QUESTION 6:
Can a born again Christian be possessed by demons?QUESTION 7:
How can we know the teachings of these false teachers today?Return to Home Page
All comments and questions to: Harold Smith
Updated July 2009, by Shelly Allen