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In 2 Timothy 2:26 we read about people being taken "captive by the devil and caught in his snare." Could this happen to a real Christian? Has not God promised to keep us?

The context of this chapter shows that it is a real Christian that is in view.

Paul, by apostolic authority delivered a certain man, namely Hymenaeus to Satan, that he might learn not to blaspheme. (1 Timothy 1:20). He mentions the same man in (2 Timothy 2:17), and it seems that this is the same man who was taken by Satan. The Devil is a liar. (John 8:44). Sometimes he tells the truth. "Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side?" (Job 1:10). Here he is telling the truth. Job was an upright man that feared God and hated evil. "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them." (Psalms 34:7). Satan and all his forces cannot break that hedge; but we can. "Whoso breaketh a hedge, a serpent (Satan) shall bite him." (Ecclesiastes 10:8). Willful and unconfessed sin will break this hedge. This is exactly what happened in 2 Timothy 2:26. The whole purpose of this was, "...that they might learn not to blaspheme." (1 Timothy 1:20). God never allows this to destroy them; only to teach them.

He is able to keep us eternally in Christ." (John 10:28). "He is able to keep us from falling." (Jude 1:20). Trust and obey Him. When a believer lives loosely and carelessly, they are subject to be "taken captive by Satan" for disciplinary purposes. Now, how important is it to know and obey Him? Do you know Him as your Saviour?

All comments and questions to: Harold Smith

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Updated July 2009, by Shelly Allen