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There are some ministers who tell us the Lord isn't coming again. Is it true He is coming to earth again?
Without offense to anyone, some ministers might tell you anything. In a survey taken in December 1987 from 7400 clergymen of the American Baptist religion, 34% of them did not believe the virgin birth, 33% did not believe in His resurrection, and 67% did not believe the Scriptures to be inspired of God.
There are three things the Lord said He would do before He ascended back to heaven:
- I WILL SEND THE COMFORTER (THE Holy Spirit). John 16:7.
- I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH. Matthew 16:18.
- I WILL COME AGAIN. John 14:3.
The first of these He did ten days after He ascended. (Acts 2:1-4). This He has completed, It is past. The second He is still doing. He began on the Day of Pentecost and it continues on this very day. This He is doing in the present. The third He has not fulfilled, yet. He will not come until the second is finished, when the Church is completely formed. He will come again as He has promised, and all believers will go to be with Him. This is in the future; it can be tomorrow, ten days from now, or ten years from now, no one knows the hour, except God. This is the only thing left, which awaits fulfillment. He cannot come for His bride until she is complete. When the last soul is saved; nobody knows when this will happen. He will come for His pearl of great price.
Will you be among them? Do you know Him as your personal Saviour from sin? Are you trusting in Him fully for salvation? Only those that do will be saved.
All comments and questions to: Harold Smith
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Updated July 2009, by Shelly Allen