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Is it necessary for a sinner to pray the "sinner's prayer" to be saved?

The devil is a deceiver. He will get you to do anything but the right thing. It is not necessary to pray to be saved. The question is only asked once in the Bible. And, here it is: "And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts 16:30-31.

Traditional teaching has deceived many people. They think if they go to church, or if they say the sinner's prayer, then they are saved. I know many who have done this several times, and still, they say they are not saved. The Bible teaches us that salvation is to, "believe, trust, and depend, on the Lord Jesus Christ, and His atoning blood." You can pray WITHOUT trusting Christ, and you can trust Christ WITHOUT praying. If you pray the "so called sinner's prayer," and trust at the same time you will be saved. If you said the so called "Lord's prayer" and trusted Christ, you would be saved. If you sang the Old Rugged Cross and trusted Christ you would be saved. It is trusting Christ, which you MUST DO to be saved. It doesn't matter what else you may do, trusting Christ is absolutely necessary for salvation. Search your heart well, your eternity depends on what you have. Nothing more or nothing less than trusting Christ 100%, will do.

Dear Reader, let me ask you, "Have you trusted Christ completely for salvation? Repentance and faith is God's order. (Acts 20:21). Don't let the devil deceive you.

All comments and questions to: Harold Smith

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Updated July 2009, by Shelly Allen