Welcome to Bible Answers
This page is a listing of various questions on church truths, with links to the answers. Just click on the Question.
Women were told to ask their husbands about God's wordsQUESTION 2:
What role do women have in the Church of God, locally?QUESTION 3:
What is the biblical basis for Christian worship on Sunday?QUESTION 4:
Is it right for churches to ordain homosexuals to the ministry?QUESTION 5:
Should a woman preach in the church and will she go to hell if she does?QUESTION 6:
What about those who said, "I am of Christ;” Are they not sectarian also?QUESTION 7:
What is sectarianism?QUESTION 8:
How to identify a Local New Testament Church?QUESTION 9:
There are those that say it is not right for a woman to speak in a church. What does the Bible teach about this?QUESTION 10:
What does the Bible teach about supporting the Lord’s work?QUESTION 11:
There must be more to a church than calling yourself a Christian and gathering to the name of the Lord?
Can you tell me why the Lord said I will build my church and then said to Peter that He would give him the keys of the kingdom and not the church?
What exactly does the following verse mean for Christian women today? 1 Cor. 11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.
Can you tell me why the Lord said I will build my church and then said to Peter that He would give him the keys of the kingdom and not the church?Return to Home Page
All comments and questions to: Harold Smith
Updated 5th August 2009, by Shelly Allen