Our Common Future
by the World Commission On Environment and
University Press, Oxford and New York, 1987,
paperback, ISBN 0-19-282080-X.
After buying Our Common Future, (popularly
referred to as the Brundtland Report), its 400 pages sat
several months on my priority
reading shelf. With the publication of this report, “sustainable
development” had
entered everyday vocabulary and I
knew that it was required reading for greens.
After Our Common Future was published, I
became increasingly concerned by all the ringing endorsements,
not only by federal and
provincial politicians, but also by various mainstream
environmentalists and environmental
groups. Was this book really
something that all of us could unite around? Was it really “a
guidebook for
planetary survival that
rationalizes Green politics” as one reviewer in the Fall 1987 The
New Catalyst
stated? My gut feeling, prior to
reading the Brundtland report, was that somehow the despoilers of the
planet had
coined a new mystification in
order to continue business as usual. Also, I started relating
sustainable development
to “integrated pest management”
which I regarded as a second line of defence for the more sophisticated
pushers, and I wondered whether
sustainable development wasn’t a similar deception? Finally, the
chairperson of
the Commission was the Norwegian
prime minister and Norway has been
in the forefront of commercial whaling
and the killing of harp and
hooded seals.
There is much to learn from this report,
particularly how the underdeveloped world, with a few significant
exceptions, is becoming poorer in
comparison to the developed world and that countries which are poor have
massive debt repayment problems,
little productive land available, rapidly increasing populations, etc.,
and must
necessarily put environmental
protection on the back burner. Yet the book’s thesis of sustainable
development is
false. Also, apart from moral
exhortations, Our Common Future does not address the basic
global economic
problem of how to transfer much
of the wealth from the developed world to the underdeveloped world.
Sustainable development is defined in the Brundtland
report as “development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (p.
43) The report
accepts world-wide “a
five-to-tenfold increase in manufacturing output” in order that we “raise
world consumption of manufactured
goods to industrialized world
levels by the time population growth
rates level off next century.”
(p. 15) Nothing here about moving to a more frugal
lifestyle in the industrialized
countries. The report also
projects that the world population will expand to 8.2 billion people by
2025 (p. 101).
All this is sweet music to any
“developer’s” ears. Any green, however, must ask what development is
sustainable? Clearly much of our
existing economic activity is already destroying the world around us.
To have
a truly sustainable economy, much
of our economic activity has to be terminated, not further expanded. Our
Common Future provides
legitimation to greatly expanded economic activity.
Perhaps not
surprisingly, the Brundtland report looks at the
world from a human-centered perspective. As
Brundtland says in the Foreword, “first
and foremost our message is directed towards people, whose well-
being is the ultimate goal of all
environment and development policies.” (p. xiv)
The report accepts the
elimination of some species (pp.
164-165) and that choices will be made by humans as to what
species are to be preserved. So,
from the world view of this commission, what seems to be sustainable are
humans and only those life forms
seen as essential for continued human existence. Also advocated is
pesticide and chemical fertilizer
use (p. 135), and “game cropping and ranching
projects.” (p. 163)
Let Brian Mulroney, Marcel Masse, Joe Clark and
various governments around the world promote this report.
This is one bandwaggon greens
have no place on.
David Orton, Pictou County, Nova Scotia
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